Sunday 10 January 2010

Secrets and Hopes University Project

Hello Ladies and Gents,

I have a BIG favour to ask for a quick moment of your time.
It is to help me with my 3rd and FINAL year project for my Fine Art Degree.

"The Secrets and Hopes Project"

Just to start with this idea was inspired by a great book ('Post Secret') by Frank Warren.
You could say i'm taking his idea and experimenting with a different medium and another question. (here's what the m'larky is on wiki if your bemused and feel like reading

Here's a photo of the beginning of the crane chain (with different paper - i altered the type so it shows theres writing in there)

And this is how it goes...

1) What i want YOU (the beautiful, genorous public) to do is leave your biggest secret and hopes on my blogspot.

2) I will then write down your secret and your hopes in separate pieces of tissue origami paper (i know it's funny writing things like "i'm secretly a Polar Bear" or "my family were raised by wolves" it'd be really great if you put something serious PLEASE! >_<

3) I will then fold the origami paper with your secret (or your hope) up into an origami crane (which will distort the words and hide it away) and create a crane chain.

4) "WTF is a crane chain and why would i want to do this?!"

Well... a crane chain is traditionally Japanese and is usually given by the folder to newly weds to represent a thousand years of happiness and prosperity or to babies to a long and healthy life.
- Here's another Wiki link if your brain needs more juice on the matter!

What i want to do is gather all our burdoning secrets and fleeting hopes and create something symbolic.
-For these hopes to become reality
- And for those secrets to be enlightened.
I need 1000 to do this, i need 1000 to make this wish, i need 1000 to make this come true.

you can leave it anonymously on this blogspot by making ANY name you want (or wish you had) It could be - Chewbacca, Simon, PrincessConsuelaBananaHammock, or even Mr Monster Munch (that's actually happened - yeah - google it).

5) Once i finally reach 1000 and my crane chain is complete (OUR crane chain) i will make a wish for all the people who participated and i will use it as my final piece for my Final 3rd Year Degree Show (so i hope this works).

6) One more thing! In submitting your secret or hope (both hopefully) on my blogspot you must mention if you will allow me to reprint your secret or hope up on the wall in the show, i will be displaying some of them (in typed font) to give examples. If you don't type ALLOW then i get the idea you don't want it up and then it will soley be in the crane. No worries!

Thankyou in Advance
You get a stamp of Awesomeness

If you visit the show you will be able to look at it and think of your hopes and secrets within the mass. For people who can't i will also upload a photo or even VIDEO to my Blogspot-tage page and you will be able to look upon it and feel happy for helping me - and yourself! ^_^

- Pippi -

3rd Year Print Student
Manchester Metropolitan University